How to write AI prompts for cold sales emails

Rocco Savage
October 9, 2024
 min read


Here’s a not-so-hot take: cold email templates are quickly becoming relics of the sales world’s past. As inboxes become increasingly crowded and prospects grow more discerning, generic messages simply don't cut it anymore. Enter AI prompts: a game-changing approach to crafting personalized, compelling cold emails that actually get results.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of AI prompts for cold emails; specifically, we’ll explore why they're superior to traditional templates and walk through how to craft effective prompts. 

Key takeaways from the article:

  • AI-generated cold emails outperform traditional templates: Unlike static templates, AI-written emails can adapt based on performance data, continuously improving over time. They're also more likely to bypass spam filters and resonate with prospects, leading to higher open rates, response rates, and ultimately, more successful sales conversations.
  • AI prompts enable hyper-personalization at scale: By leveraging AI's ability to analyze tons and tons of data, sellers can create highly tailored messages for each prospect without spending hours on research and writing. This level of personalization significantly increases the chances of engagement and response.
  • There are two main types of AI prompts - user and system prompts: User prompts guide the AI in creating specific parts of an email, like subject lines or call-to-actions. System prompts set the overall context and rules for all emails, ensuring consistency in tone and style across your outreach efforts.
  • Effective AI prompts require a balance of specificity and flexibility: When writing prompts, provide clear guidelines and context, but allow room for the AI's creativity. This approach results in emails that feel authentic and personalized, rather than robotic or overly scripted.

"Write me a cold intro email." 

Five simple words that seem to promise a shortcut to sales outreach nirvana. But if you've tried this basic prompt with an AI, you've likely found yourself staring at a bland, generic email that could have been written for anyone, to anyone, about anything. The truth is, crafting AI prompts for cold emails requires much more finesse than many expect. 

Let's look at what happens when we give an AI a bare-bones prompt:

  • Prompt: “Write me a cold intro email to a prospective client”
  • The AI's output:

As you can see, while this email isn't terrible, it's generic and lacks the punch needed to truly capture a prospect's attention. 

“I hope this email finds you well.” How many times have you read that?

“I believe we could assist you…” Is this email about your beliefs? 

“I”, “My name”, “We”, “I”... who is this email about again?

We can do better…MUCH better.

Crafting effective AI prompts for cold emails is an art that combines precision, creativity, and strategic thinking. Whether you're writing a break-in email or following up on a prospect who's gone quiet, the right prompt can make all the difference. 

In the following sections, we'll explore how to craft AI prompts that result in cold emails that are personalized, compelling, and primed for success.

Understanding AI prompt types

When crafting AI prompts for cold emails, you'll be working with two main types of prompts: 

  1. User prompts: These provide the specific details the AI needs to know to create content for each email or campaign.
  2. System prompts: These provide the foundation and general rules the AI should operate by.

Each plays a distinct role in guiding the AI to generate effective cold emails. Let's dive deeper into each type.

1. User prompts

User prompts are specific instructions you provide for individual pieces of content within your cold email. They're like mini-briefs for each element of your email. Here's what you need to know about user prompts:

  • Purpose: User prompts guide the AI in creating specific parts of your email, such as subject lines, email bodies, or call-to-action statements.
  • Flexibility: These prompts change frequently based on your specific needs for each email or campaign.
  • Specificity: User prompts tend to be more detailed and focused on the particular task at hand.
  • Examples of user prompts:
    • Instructions for crafting a subject line
    • Guidelines for writing the email body
    • Directions for creating a compelling call-to-action
  • When to use them:
    • When you need to generate a new subject line for a specific campaign
    • When crafting the body of an email for a particular campaign or audience segment
    • When you want to create variations of your email content for A/B testing

2. System prompts

System prompts set the overall context and rules for the AI to follow across all emails. Think of them as the overarching guidelines that shape the AI's approach to your cold email strategy. Here's what you should know about system prompts:

  • Purpose: System prompts establish the general framework, tone, and style for all emails the AI generates.
  • Consistency: These prompts are typically set once and used across multiple email generations, ensuring consistency in your outreach.
  • Broad scope: System prompts cover wider aspects like brand voice, compliance rules, and general email structure.
  • Examples of system prompts:
    • Defining the AI's role (e.g., as an expert sales development representative)
    • Setting the overall tone and style for all emails
    • Establishing content standards and formatting rules
  • When to use them:
    • When setting up your AI email generation system for the first time.
    • When you want to make company-wide changes to your email communication style.
    • To ensure all AI-generated emails adhere to your brand guidelines and compliance requirements.

By understanding and effectively using both types of prompts, you can create a powerful AI-driven cold email strategy that's both consistent in overall approach and tailored in individual execution.


How to write AI prompts for cold emails

Now that we understand the different types of AI prompts and their roles in crafting effective cold emails, it's time to dive into the nitty-gritty of writing these prompts. Whether you're crafting user prompts for specific email elements or system prompts to guide your overall strategy, the following guidelines will help you create AI-powered cold emails that are personalized, compelling, and primed for success. Let's explore how to transform your understanding of AI prompts into actionable techniques that will elevate your outreach game.

How to write user prompts for cold emails

User prompts are your specific instructions for individual pieces of content within your cold emails. They're dynamic and change based on your needs for each email or campaign. Here's how to write effective user prompts:

  • Start with a clear objective: Just like any colleague, your AI needs some clear guidance in terms of what your looking for before it can generate the results you're looking for. Start your prompt by stating exactly what you want to create (e.g., "Create a subject line for a cold introduction email").
  • Provide context: Give the AI relevant background information about the prospect, your company, and the purpose of the email.
  • Break down the content: If you're writing a prompt for an email body, divide it into sections (e.g., opening, problem statement, solution, call-to-action) and provide guidance for each.
  • End with specific requirements: Conclude your prompt with any particular elements you want included or avoided.
  • Be specific, but not overly prescriptive. Provide enough information to guide the AI without stifling its creativity. Be sure to include key details such as:
    • Target audience characteristics
    • Desired tone and style
    • Word or character limits
    • Key points or value propositions to include

Example of a user prompt

Create a subject line for a cold introduction email to a VP of Marketing at a mid-sized SaaS company. We're introducing our AI-powered marketing analytics platform. The subject line should:

- Be under 40 characters
- Include the recipient's name (use {{Name}} as a placeholder)
- Hint at our ability to improve marketing ROI
- Create curiosity without using clickbait tactics

Generate 3 options.

How to write system prompts for cold emails

System prompts set the overarching guidelines for all your cold emails. They establish the foundation for your email strategy and ensure consistency across all communications. Here's how to write effective system prompts:

  • Define the AI's role: Start by clearly stating the persona the AI should adopt (e.g., "You are an experienced sales development representative").
  • Establish the context: Provide background on your company, products/services, and general email objectives.
  • Set tone and style guidelines: Clearly define the overall voice and approach for all emails.
  • Outline general content rules and standards: Specify standard elements, formatting requirements, and any company-wide policies.
  • Provide do's and don'ts: List specific practices to follow or avoid in all emails.
  • Be comprehensive, but not exhaustive. Cover all important aspects of your email strategy without becoming overly complex. Make sure to include details such as:
    • Brand voice characteristics
    • Standard email structure
    • Standard email subject line length
    • Compliance requirements
    • General personalization guidelines
    • Preferred language and terminology

Example of a system prompt

You are a master storyteller and sales strategist specializing in narrative-driven cold outreach. When crafting cold emails:

- Begin each email with a brief, relatable anecdote or scenario that illustrates the prospect's likely challenge
- Use a conversational yet professional tone, as if speaking to a respected colleague
- Structure emails in a three-act format: setting (problem), conflict (pain point), resolution (our solution)
- Incorporate vivid, sensory language to make scenarios come alive, but keep it professional
- Use analogies from the prospect's industry to explain complex features or benefits
- Limit emails to 160-200 words, with each 'act' being roughly equal in length
- Include one piece of foreshadowing in the opening that hints at the solution
- Use short, punchy sentences for impact, mixed with occasional longer ones for rhythm
- Incorporate one surprising statistic or fact that challenges common assumptions in the prospect's field
- End with a 'cliffhanger' call-to-action that entices the prospect to continue the story
- Avoid jargon unless it's essential to the story or widely understood in the industry
- Use the prospect's first name at least twice in the email to maintain a personal connection
- Sign off with a story-relevant closing line, followed by your first name 

Remember, every email should feel like the opening chapter of a compelling business success story, with the prospect as the potential protagonist.

Putting it all together

The purpose of your AI prompts is to provide your AI with the guidance it needs to create high-quality cold emails that are personalized, valuable, and engaging. Your prompts should steer the AI towards crafting messages that resonate with your prospects and inspire action.

By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to creating AI prompts that generate effective cold emails. As with any skill, your prompt writing will improve with practice. Don't be afraid to experiment, analyze results, and continuously refine your approach.


Extra tips for writing great AI prompts

Whether you're crafting user prompts or system prompts, these tips will enable you to create better, more effective AI prompts for your cold email campaigns:

  • Be specific, but not prescriptive: Tell the AI exactly what you want to achieve with each email, but try not to be overly restrictive. Let the AI know what is important to you, while also allowing room for the AI's creativity.
    • Example: “Create an email that introduces our AI-powered marketing analytics platform to a CMO of a mid-sized e-commerce company. The email should:
      • Highlight the challenge of data fragmentation in e-commerce marketing
      • Emphasize our platform's ability to unify data from multiple channels
      • Include a brief success metric from a similar client (without naming them)
      • End with a soft CTA for a demo
      • Keep the tone professional but conversational, and aim for about 100-150 words. Feel free to be creative in how you present these points to grab the CMO's attention.”
  • Set boundaries: As you provide the AI with guidance on what you want it to do, you should also make sure to explicitly state anything that you don’t want the AI to do.
    • Example: "Do not use clickbait tactics when writing subject lines.”
  • Use the "few-shot" technique: Provide a few examples of desired outputs within your prompt. This helps the AI understand the style and format you're aiming for.
    • Example: “Generate email subject lines similar to these:
      • ‘Transform your marketing with AI, {{Name}}’
      • ‘{{Name}}, let's boost your ROI by 30%’
      • ‘AI + Your Marketing Team = Success, {{Name}}’”
  • Request variations of your prompts: Ask the AI to generate multiple versions with slight variations, allowing you to test different approaches.
    • Example: “Create two versions of this email body: one focusing on cost savings, and another emphasizing time efficiency.”
  • Leverage conditional statements: Use if-then statements to guide the AI in handling different scenarios or prospect characteristics.
    • Example: “If the prospect is in the healthcare industry, emphasize HIPAA compliance. If in finance, focus on data security.”
  • Incorporate emotional intelligence: Guide the AI to consider the emotional state or potential concerns of the prospect.
    • Example: “Craft the email with empathy, acknowledging the challenges of [specific pain point] in the prospect's industry.”
  • Use role-playing: Ask the AI to adopt a specific persona or to write as if it were a particular type of professional.
    • Example: “Write this email as if you were a seasoned industry consultant offering valuable insights.”
  • Implement the “outsider perspective” technique: Instruct the AI to approach the task as if explaining it to someone unfamiliar with your industry or product.
    • Example: “Explain our value proposition as if you were describing it to a friend who knows nothing about marketing technology.”
  • Utilize the “reverse engineering” method: Start with the desired outcome and work backwards in your prompt.
    • Example: “The goal is to secure a 15-minute call. Craft an email that naturally leads to this call-to-action.”
  • Incorporate timing and relevance: Guide the AI to consider current events, seasons, or industry trends in the email content.
    • Example: “Reference the upcoming [industry conference] and how our product relates to this year's main themes.”
  • Use the “problem-agitate-solve” framework: Structure your prompt to guide the AI in identifying a problem, emphasizing its impact, and then presenting your solution.
    • Example: “First, highlight the issue of data silos, then stress how it affects decision-making, and finally introduce our integration solution.”
  • Implement the “curiosity gap” technique: Instruct the AI to create content that piques curiosity without giving everything away.
    • Example: “Hint at a unique feature of our product without fully revealing it, encouraging the prospect to want to learn more.”
  • Utilize industry-specific jargon judiciously: Guide the AI on when and how to use industry terms to establish credibility without overwhelming the prospect.
    • Example: “Use 1-2 industry-specific terms related to [specific sector], but immediately follow each with a brief, clear explanation.”
  • Incorporate social proof strategically: Instruct the AI on how to weave in testimonials or success stories without sounding boastful.
    • Example: “Subtly mention how a company similar to the prospect's achieved [specific result] with our solution, without naming the company directly.”

By applying these tips, you can create more nuanced, effective AI prompts that result in compelling cold emails tailored to your prospects' needs and interests. Remember, the key is to guide the AI while allowing room for its capabilities to shine through in generating personalized, engaging content.


Still not sold on AI prompts? Here’s why cold email templates don't work anymore

In the fast-paced world of digital communication, cold email templates have become a relic of the past. Once a go-to strategy for sales teams looking to scale their outreach, these one-size-fits-all approaches are now more likely to land in spam folders than in prospects' hearts. Here's why:

  1. Inbox oversaturation: Today's professionals are inundated with emails. In this sea of communication, generic templates simply don't stand out. Recipients have become adept at spotting and ignoring formulaic outreach.
  2. Increased sophistication of spam filters: Email providers have significantly improved their spam detection algorithms. Many templated emails, with their predictable patterns and generic language, are now automatically filtered out before they even reach the intended recipient.
  3. Shift in consumer expectations: Modern consumers expect personalized experiences in all their interactions with businesses. A templated email that clearly hasn't been tailored to their specific needs or situation feels impersonal and can even be off-putting.
  4. Lack of authenticity: In an era where authenticity is highly valued, templated emails often come across as insincere. Recipients can easily sense when they're being fed a pre-packaged message rather than a genuine attempt at communication.
  5. Inability to address specific pain points: Every prospect has unique challenges and goals. Generic templates fail to address these specific pain points, missing the opportunity to demonstrate your product’s real value and relevance.
  6. Difficulty in standing out: With countless businesses using similar templates, it's become nearly impossible to differentiate yourself using this approach. Your message gets lost in a sea of similar-sounding pitches. (And it’s worth noting that this is also true if you give AI basic generic prompts.)
  7. Changing B2B buying processes: B2B buying processes have become more complex, often involving multiple decision-makers. Generic templates rarely account for this complexity or speak to the various stakeholders involved.
  8. Rise of account-based marketing (ABM): Many businesses are shifting towards ABM strategies, which prioritize highly personalized outreach to specific target accounts. Templated emails are fundamentally at odds with this approach.
  9. Increased value of relationship building: Success in modern sales is increasingly about building relationships and providing value upfront. Templates, by their nature, skip this crucial step and jump straight to the pitch.
  10. Advancements in sales technology: With the advent of AI and advanced CRM systems, there's no excuse for not personalizing outreach. Prospects expect salespeople to leverage available data and insights to make their communications relevant and timely.

Instead of relying on templates, successful cold outreach now requires a more nuanced, personalized approach. This might involve thorough research on each prospect, crafting unique value propositions, and leveraging mutual connections or shared interests. While this approach requires more time and effort, it significantly increases the chances of getting a positive response and starting a meaningful business relationship.

The death of the cold email template doesn't mean the end of cold emailing. Rather, it signals a shift towards more thoughtful, personalized, and value-driven outreach strategies. In today's competitive business landscape, it's not about reaching the most prospects, but about reaching the right prospects in the right way.


And here’s why AI prompts are better than cold email templates

In the ever-evolving landscape of sales, the trusty cold email template is looking a bit... well, cold. Enter AI prompts: the sophisticated cousin that's about to revolutionize your outreach game. As we navigate the choppy waters of prospect inboxes, let's explore just a few reasons why AI prompts are the compass pointing towards success, while traditional templates are left marooned on the island of "marked as spam." 

  1. Intelligent research: AI goes beyond surface-level info to really understand our prospects. It's like having a research assistant who never sleeps, constantly gathering and analyzing data. Specifically, AI can:
    • Analyze company news, financial reports, and industry trends.
    • Examine prospect profiles, including career history and social media activity.
    • Identify potential pain points and opportunities specific to each prospect.
  2. Intent data analysis: AI doesn't just collect data – it interprets it. This helps us understand where prospects are in their buying journey and what they might need from us. Specifically, AI can:
    • Recognize prospects’ buying signals and behavioral patterns.
    • Determine each prospect's likely position in the buying journey.
    • Use all this information to identify the right combination of timing, messaging, and touchpoints to leverage in outreach for maximum impact.
  3. Dynamic content creation: Say goodbye to fill-in-the-blank templates. AI crafts unique messages for each prospect, ensuring that every email feels personalized and unique to them. Specifically, AI can:
    • Generate personalized subject lines that grab attention.
    • Draft email body content that speaks directly to the prospect's situation, intent, or activity.
    • Suggest relevant talking points and value propositions to reference.
  4. Continuous optimization: Unlike static templates, AI-powered outreach improves over time. It learns from what works and what doesn't, constantly refining its approach over time. Specifically, AI can:
    • Learn from engagement metrics to refine its approach.
    • Adapt subject lines, as well as pain point and value proposition messaging, based on what resonates with different prospect segments.
    • Provide data to help us continuously improve our strategy.
  5. Automated cadence and outreach: AI doesn't just help with content: it can manage the entire outreach process itself. This means we can scale our efforts without sacrificing quality or drowning in manual tasks. Specifically, AI can:
    • Design dynamic, multi-touch cadences tailored to each prospect, based on intent and engagement behavior.
    • Automatically send personalized emails at optimal times.
    • Adjust follow-up timing and messaging based on prospect engagement.
  6. Skyrocketing engagement rates: As we’ve discussed, AI has the ability to not only generate high-quality messaging, but also personalize it at a scale that would be unheard of for humans. Because of this, AI-powered emails tend to perform better across the board. They're more likely to be opened, read, and responded to because they're tailored to each prospect's specific interests and needs. Thanks to AI, sales teams can expect:
    • Higher open rates: AI-crafted subject lines cut through inbox clutter.
    • Improved response rates: Personalized, relevant content sparks genuine interest.
    • Increased meeting bookings: When outreach resonates, prospects are more likely to agree to that crucial first meeting.
  7. Enhanced efficiency and productivity: One of the biggest benefits of AI is how much time it saves us on tasks that once were a big ol’ time suck. Instead of spending hours on data analysis, research, and personalization, we can now trust AI to handle that for us. In turn, we get more time back in our day to devote to the kinds of high-value tasks that really move the needle for our businesses. Thanks to AI, sales teams can expect:
    • Time savings: AI does the heavy lifting, freeing us up for strategic tasks
    • Scaled personalization: Reach more prospects with highly tailored messages, without increasing workload
    • Automated follow-ups: AI handles timing and content, ensuring no opportunity slips through the cracks.
  8. Improved prospect experience: Let's face it – nobody likes getting generic sales emails. AI helps us create outreach that prospects actually want to receive because it's relevant and valuable to them. Thanks to AI, sales teams can deliver:
    • Relevance at every touchpoint: Prospects receive information that's actually useful to them, not generic pitches.
    • Timely outreach: AI helps us reach out at the right moment, when prospects are most likely to be receptive.
    • Consistent quality: Every prospect receives the same high level of personalization, regardless of their perceived value.
  9. Accelerated sales cycles: Time is money in sales, and AI helps us move deals through the pipeline more quickly. Thanks to AI, sales teams can expect:
    • Faster prospect qualification: AI helps us quickly identify and focus on the most promising leads.
    • More effective nurturing: Personalized, timely touches keep prospects engaged throughout the sales process
    • Quicker time to revenue: By focusing on the right prospects with the right message, we can close deals faster

The bottom line is this: AI prompts are changing the cold email game, and it's time for us to get on board. By using AI, we can create personalized, effective outreach that gets results – all while making our jobs easier and more rewarding. So, let's embrace this new technology and take our cold email game to the next level. With AI on our side, we're not just keeping up with the future of sales – we're leading the way!

Final thoughts

The rise of AI prompts in cold emailing isn't just a technological shift—it's a game-changer for how we connect with prospects. By embracing this innovation, we aren’t replacing our human touch; we're amplifying it. We now have the power to create personalized, relevant outreach at scale, freeing us to focus on what we do best: building meaningful relationships and driving results.

As we master the art of AI prompt engineering, we're setting ourselves up for success in a world where relevance is of the utmost importance. The future of cold emailing is here, and it's smarter and more impactful than ever. Let's seize this opportunity to elevate our craft and lead the way in this new era of sales communication.

Want to learn more about prompt engineering for different types of sales outreach? 

Check out our AI prompt library today; you can even get your hands on some prompt templates to help get you started

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