From reluctance to results: 11 cold calling tips that actually work

Dyer Whitt
October 21, 2024
 min read


We've all been there: staring at the phone, wondering if our next dial will lead to a breakthrough or another rejection. But here's the thing: cold calling isn't just a numbers game anymore. It's about working smarter, not harder.

This article dives into 11 game-changing tips that can transform your cold-calling strategy. From harnessing the power of AI for research to fine-tuning your metrics, we're covering the tactics that top performers use to crush their quotas. Whether you're a seasoned seller or just starting out, these insights will help you approach cold calling with renewed confidence and effectiveness. 

Key takeaways from the article:

  • Leverage technology to boost efficiency: Use AI to enhance your pre-call research, and consider adding a power dialer to your tech stack. Together, these tools can help cut down the amount of time spent on non-value-added tasks and increase your correct connect rate.
  • Focus on quality and quantity in your calls: Focus on correct connects and quality conversations rather than just the number of calls made. Use a cascading metrics approach to get a full picture of your cold-calling effectiveness, from productivity KPIs down to meetings booked.
  • Make cold calling a structured, collaborative effort: Batch your calling time, call in groups, and turn it into a team activity. This not only improves motivation but also provides opportunities for feedback and learning from colleagues.
  • Embrace continuous improvement: Regularly review your calls - both successful and unsuccessful ones. Use these calls as training opportunities to walk through what went well and what could be improved upon. This ongoing refinement of your approach is key to long-term success in cold calling.
  • Balance structure with flexibility in your approach: Avoid getting too reliant on your script. Instead, focus on building a process for cold calling that gives you a general structure to follow, but also allows you to be flexible and agile based on the flow of the conversation.

As sellers, we all know the power of a well-executed cold call. It's the lifeblood of many sales organizations, yet it's often met with dread and resistance. But what if I told you that cold calling doesn't have to be a grueling exercise in rejection? 

With the right strategies and mindset, it can be a dynamic, even enjoyable part of your sales process. In this article, we'll explore 10 proven tips to elevate your cold calling game. From leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to refining your metrics, these insights will help you transform your approach and boost your results.

So let’s dive right in!

Tip #1: Use AI to speed up your pre-call research.

Gone are the days of sifting through LinkedIn and company websites to locate leads and leverage personal information. In the words of one prominent viral internet sensation, "Ain't nobody got time for that." Certainly not reps.

Today's technology makes it possible to eliminate all of the time-consuming, non-value-added tasks that harm your productivity and overall results. Lean on AI to scope out potential prospects and give you the lowdown on their job titles, responsibilities, and other helpful info.

Other ways AI can help in the pre-call process include sorting leads according to how likely they’ll be receptive to a sale, dynamically personalizing your call script according to the prospect’s attributes, and automatically transcribing your calls so you have a record of them.


Tip #2: Batch your time.

Thinking about cold-calling is different from actually picking up the phone and dialing a number. And, when you have tons of tasks to get to, cold calling can quickly fall into the murky depths of your to-do list — something you absolutely don’t want. Personally, I’m a big fan of devoting planned time to cold calls rather than considering them an afterthought. When you make cold calling a regular part of your schedule, it’s easier to get it done.  

Easier said than done, right?

Here are some simple steps you can take to start making it more of a habit:

  • Box out a few hours to dedicate only to hard sales. 
  • When possible and appropriate, turn down meetings, projects, and other responsibilities to focus exclusively on your phone. 
  • Shut the office door, log out of your email – do whatever it takes to free yourself from distractions, and start dialing. Don't stop until your time is up.

Tip #3: Get past call reluctance.

Even seasoned sellers can feel a twinge of anxiety before picking up the phone. This phenomenon, known as "call reluctance," can be a major roadblock to your success – but it doesn’t have to be.

A great way to get past this is by developing a pre-call routine; this is key to getting yourself in the right headspace. Think of it as your personal warm-up – just like an athlete before a big game. Here are some proven techniques to help you overcome call reluctance:

  • Pump-up playlist: Create a playlist of songs that energize and motivate you.
    • Whether it's the Rocky theme song or your favorite pop anthem, music has the power to shift your mood and boost your confidence. 
    • Take a few minutes before your calling session to listen and let the rhythm get you fired up.
  • Review your greatest hits: Keep a file of your most successful calls or positive customer feedback.
    • Before you start dialing, read through these to get a reminder of your abilities. 
    • This not only boosts your confidence but also puts you in the mindset of your most effective self.
  • Breathe and center: Never underestimate the power of a few deep breaths.
    • Try this quick exercise:
      • Inhale deeply for a count of four, hold for four, then exhale for four. 
      • Repeat this cycle 3-5 times. 
    • This technique seems simple but can come in clutch when you need to calm your nerves and/or improve your focus. 
  • Positive affirmations: Craft a set of positive statements about your abilities as a salesperson.
    • For example: "I am skilled at building rapport," or "I provide value to every prospect I speak with." 
    • Repeat these affirmations to yourself before your calling session. It might feel a bit awkward at first, but consistently using affirmations can reshape your mindset over time.
  • Visualize success: Spend a few moments imagining a successful call.
    • Picture yourself speaking confidently, handling objections with ease, and ending the call with a positive outcome. 
    • This mental rehearsal can help program your brain for success.
  • Set realistic goals: Instead of focusing on closing sales, set achievable goals for each calling session.
    • This could be the number of quality conversations you have or how many times you successfully use a new rebuttal technique. 
    • Breaking your work into bite-sized chunks can make the task feel less daunting.
  • Reframe your perspective: Instead of thinking of cold calling as an interruption, reframe it as an opportunity to help someone solve a problem.
    • You aren’t just selling a product or service; you're offering a solution that could genuinely benefit the prospect.

Remember, overcoming call reluctance is a process. Be patient with yourself and experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. The key is consistency – make your chosen strategies a regular part of your routine.

Tip #4: Call in groups.

The first time you get hold of a prospect rarely results in a sale. You'll get the runaround, pushback, and outright rejections. That's all part of the process. When it happens, you have to get back up, dust yourself off, and keep going.

One trick that can lead to better results is bringing your team into the process. Partner up with fellow sales reps and use cold calling as a training activity where one of you listens in and then provides feedback afterward. Record your calls, play them back to your team, and ask them to think of ways you could improve. When you work as a team, you may pick up tips you hadn’t previously considered.

Tip #5: Make it fun.

Cold calling doesn't have to be complete drudgery. Liven up the office with a bit of competition between reps. Pick a metric you want to focus on — like how many calls you can make in an hour or how many times you use a rebuttal against a prospect's rejection. Then, put everyone to the test and compare results.

Gamification can be a bright spot in the murky waters of sales. Use it when your team needs extra motivation — but don't forget to reward the winner for their efforts.

Tip #6: Consider adding a dialer into the mix.

If you're still finger-dialing sales calls, congratulations — Fred Flintstone wants to hear from you.

In all seriousness, manual dials lead to inefficiency and dialing mistakes. With most sales reps experiencing less engagement and connects with sales prospects, there’s absolutely no room for time-consuming manual dials that eat into your day.

The solution is a power dialer. Investing in a power dialer can help cut down on the time you spend dialing and trying to get through to your next lead. This tech can automatically dial numbers and prioritize calls with the best leads; it can also track and record your conversations so you can refer to them the next time you connect with a prospect.


Tip #7: Review all your calls — the good, the bad & the ugly.

I’ve touched on this one a few times, but it’s a solid tip that’s worthy of its own space: play back your calls and use them as training opportunities. It may feel a little uncomfortable to listen to your own voice, especially if a particular call didn't go the way you wanted. But owning up to your mistakes and looking for improvement opportunities is important to building your skills as a rep.

You'll probably have a variety of winning and losing calls. And that's okay — you want to listen to each and every one. When you play back your winners, jot down what made them A+ calls. You can use your best calls as a springboard for future conversions, and incorporate your top lead-ins and rebuttals into your call script structure.

Do the same for lousy calls. Note where they went wrong, and get input from your manager or colleagues on ways you can improve your weaknesses. Your team may be able to provide some strategic improvement tips that elevate your cold calling strategy.

Tip #8: Pay attention to your “correct connect” rate.

There are two cold call connect types: "connected calls" and "correct connects." A connected call means you talked to somebody in your target organization. It could be the company's CEO or the head janitor. However, just because you landed a call with a company representative doesn't mean they hold sway over purchasing decisions.

The metric you really want to pay attention to is correct connects. A correct connect means you talked with the person you wanted to reach. That individual can influence purchasing decisions, so getting in front of them is just one step closer to solidifying a genuinely qualified lead.

If you notice your ratio of correct connects to connected calls is low, you may have a data issue. Maybe your company influencers no longer work there, or you have the wrong phone numbers. Work on fixing the problem so you can get better-quality leads.

Tip #9: Don’t just track your metrics – waterfall them.

Data and analytics are incredibly important pieces of the puzzle, but it’s really easy to get distracted by the wrong metrics. For my team,  I really like using cascading metrics to get the full story behind their sales prospecting efforts. Here’s a little peek behind the curtain:

  • First, we start at the top with productivity-oriented KPIs, like how many calls the reps make and their duration. Those give us some insight into our reps’ efficiency, but they don't say anything about the quality of the calls — which is what we really want to know.
  • Just below the productivity KPIs, we pivot into connected calls and correct connects. Those tell us whether we’re reaching company representatives and whether they're the right connections.
  • Then, we move into "quality connects." A quality connect means we reached the right decision-maker and had a memorable, constructive conversation. Quality connects are just one step above "meetings booked," which is the holy grail in cold calling.
  • Finally, comes the holy grail itself: meetings booked. 

When you combine all of those metrics – and in a cascading order of effect – they can tell an epic story. It's much more than a single, dismissable insight: this package shows you where you're making gains (or losing them).


Tip #10: Prioritize your process over scripts.

I highly recommend setting a general process you follow for each cold call. Have a few key steps you aim to check off every time you speak to a new lead, but don’t necessarily feel that you need to adhere to a strict script. Give yourself room for improvisation that makes the call feel genuine. As an example, consider Jordan Belfort's straight-line selling formula:

  • Take control of the conversation immediately.
  • Lay out your opening.
  • Develop a rapport with the lead.
  • Ask questions so you know what objections to anticipate.
  • Go for a trial close.
  • Loop and address rebuttals.

You may have an entirely different process. Whatever it is, visualize it on paper. Then, write a script to accompany it. But again: I can’t stress enough that you should not feel confined to your script on a call. Pay attention to the actual conversation, and allow your personality to seep into the discussion to give it your own flair.

Tip #11: Act it out.

Practice makes perfect. Before you jump into your sales pitch with actual leads, sit down with a few other reps and role-play. Walk through your open, build a rapport, and then nail down how you'll reply to rebuttals and rejections. A little practice can be a tremendous confidence booster when it comes time to connect with your prospects.

If your team’s busy, leverage AI to practice your cold calls. Your AI virtual coach can provide real-time feedback on your calls and scripts, helping to refine your processes and identify any gaps for improvement.

Final thoughts

Let's face it - cold calling isn't going anywhere. And – with the strategies we've covered – we have the power to turn what many dread into our secret weapon. Remember: it’s about progress, not perfection. Every call is a chance to learn, grow, and get better at connecting with potential customers. So don't be afraid to try new approaches, lean on your team for support, and leverage the amazing tech that's out there to make your job easier.

As you head back to your desk, take a moment to think about which of these tips resonates with you the most. Maybe it's using AI to supercharge your research, or perhaps it's changing how you look at your metrics. Whatever it is, start there. Small changes can lead to big wins. And hey, the next time you pick up that phone, remember - you've got this. Your enthusiasm, your knowledge, and your genuine desire to help customers solve problems are your superpowers. So go ahead, make those calls, and watch how your confidence (and your results) soar. 

Read next: "AI in sales 101: Everything you need to know about using AI for sales teams"

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